Mar 20, 2009

on my own

went to my first private reltionship session last night and the therapist asked me if i thought it helped and i had to say NO because i don't really think that i got anything out of it at all...she did point out though that when 'm at the couples sessions that i'm very emotional, but when i'm alone i'm very different and detached - interesting but i have no idea what that means...


Changedit said...

I think we all are different in the presence of partners to what we are alone. Maybe the therapist is fooled by your cool, well together & sorted exterior? I hope the sessions will bring some sort of success in time. Remember, it took you years to get where you are now in the relationship, it can't be unravelled in a couple of sessions. Good luck, hun! xxx

Arianwen said...

I have my fingers crossed that life becomes simpler/happier very soon.