Oct 9, 2011

rain rain go away...

i want to be renegade renegade today!

so i am now toying with the idea of tying my smaller crocheted garlands to the inside of an umbrella and just standing around on brick lane selling my wares that way.  

i'm also wondering if i could add this somehow to a raqis tanoura costume - hiding the crochet under the skirts and lifting layer by layer to reveal crocheted halloween and day of the dead skull items...
still. probably. not. best. for. the. rain.

but just imagine a combination of:
CROCHETED PIRATE BUNTING and long flowing layered skirts!!
Crochet pirate bunting

also guess i should look into getting a proper indoor stall...ho hum. doesn't feel quite as fun or punk rock.


Anonymous said...

I'm probably going to Renegade today, if me and the friend I'm going with get over the weddings we went to last night in time...

Lizzie Barbie said...

Very cool, I love it.

cherie... said...

thanks belly! x