Jun 3, 2011

little cupcake

isn't my little niece the cutest??
this is her modelling her little twinkie chan cupcake scarf that i made her!

crochet queen and cupcake

and with her in the photo is my mother the crochet and quilting queen.
my mom has won soo many ribbons at her local state and county fairs.
she is uber talented and i hope i inherit even pary of her talent!

o damn now i'm homesick.


Z said...

Your neice is cute, and I don't know if you feel this way, but I always like to know that the people I make stuff for really like what I gave them.

From the looks of things, it looks like she does.

cherie... said...

i love making things for other people, but it is great when they get a reaction like this! x