Nov 2, 2011

don't forget! underground food rave this weekend!

yes, my poor little blog has been sooo neglected! and i'm so so sorry to the few of you that still pay me any mind...but i've been busy hooking things to sell to your good selves that are attending ms marmite lover's underground food rave this weekend.

i am also putting together some learning materials for those lucky enough to join me and juicy lucy in bed to learn to crochet! but for those of you intent on coming, i need to remind you of the RULES...same same as any other awesome underground GOTTA BUY YOUR TIX IN ADVANCE to get the address...and i swear on my bag of antique hooks that it's not in some field off the M25 (shhh...kilburn)

so to make it easy for my little lovelies click the date to reserve your space now!
Friday starts at 18:00
Saturday starts at midday

well that's my service announcement
its going to be such an awesome event that you'll be a smelly dogshit covered fool to miss it!

enough. from. me.
i've had really bad stomach flu so i better get my ass offline and back to blocking out some crocheted skulls to tempt all ya'll to part with some big fat british pounds...but make sure you bring extra! because my friends  paul a young will be there with their chocolates too!

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