Aug 5, 2009


got home from kniterati last night to find a letter from the breast clinic telling me my appointment is at 3 o'clock today! shit shit am going to have to move haircut and meetings at work and hope that i can still go out to knitclub with reirabbit afterwards. having this appointment has really made me feel even more alone as the one person that i really could ask to come with me is off being rock god in oslo right now...

...and the ex fiance assface isn't answering any emails or texts - be them horrid and revolting (i do have my moments yes i do) or asking for info for insurance and stuff. so still working on the skully sqares to try and calm down.


Changedit said...

Hope ur appointment goes well. I will be there in spirit! Let me know the outcome plz. By the way, which scando rock god are we talking about now??? xxx

(hahaha verification is: dryingas)

Revlahart said...

Nice to see you last night at the Kniterati!

I just went through the whole process a few weeks ago -- routine mammo showed a suspicious area, back in for a core biopsy, and the final results that there was nothing to worry about. Don't need to go back for 3 years. I hope yours is much less stressful than that.

cherie... said...

aw...just saw these two comments - thanks so much ladies for being there for me ladies x